ST, SC, OBC & Minority Cell
According to the policy of the government of India, the Institute has resolved that affirmative policies, programs, schemes, and facilities are provided to persons belonging to socially and economically weaker sections of society, including persons with disabilities.
To ensure the implementation of the affirmative policy of the Government of India the orders timely issued by such authorities for the benefit of SC/ST/OBC community, the Institute formed an SC/ST/OBC cell.
To integrate and promote the students who belong to SC/ST OBC communities at par with
The mainstream student body
To create a platform where students can point out their problems, regarding academic and non-academic matters.
To monitor the implementation of reservation policy in the institution
To observe the reservation policy for SCs/STs and OBCs in the institution.
The committee often meets the students and faculties belonging to SC/ST & OBC communities, to understand their problems and to assist them in resolving the problems.
Creating awareness among the SC/ST & OBC students regarding the various Government and Non-Government scholarship schemes.
To disseminate and counsel SC/ST & OBC students of the college to utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by the Government and UG.
Minority Cell
The aim of the Minority Cell is to empower the minority communities in the College and assist them in their curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The Cell has been set up to help minority students from the Christian, Muslim, Jain and other communities achieve holistic development
To ensure equal opportunities for education of minorities.
To facilitate financial support to students from these communities from governmental agencies and other sources.
To make the minority students aware of the various scholarship schemes of the Central and State Governments.
To encourage these students to enroll for courses, workshops, programs, etc. Which the College offers students in an attempt to equip them with the skills needed for their careers.
To provide prompt counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event on the College campus
To provide these students with a grievance redressal mechanism in addition to the regular redressal mechanism.
Functions and Activities
To collect reports and information of the Government of Jharkhand and orders on various aspects of education and employment of minority students.
To publicize the various Central and State Government scholarship schemes and any updates in these matters.
To coordinate with other College Cells and Committees such as the Mentoring Cell, Placement Cell, Students’ Council, Sports Council, Cultural Council, etc. And
Ensure that students from minority communities participate in their activities.
To coordinate with Programme Coordinators, Department Heads and the Mentoring Council to identify students from these communities who need special assistance such as remedial classes and bridge courses, as well as those who are advanced learners and could be given extra attention and guidance
Duties & Responsibility of Minority Cell:
Ensuring an environment where students from these categories feel safe and secure.
Making students of these communities aware of the various scholarship programs of the Government of Jharkhand and Government of India.
Motivating and assisting students from these communities to apply for the various scholarships mentioned above.
Collecting data about students who have received scholarships
Collection of reports and information of Government of Jharkhand Government of India and on various aspects of education and employment o these categories of students.